Lets say for Input date 1/3/15 slots should only have interval of 5 mins but query generate 3 type of slots against date 1/3/15. One with 5 mins duration, second with 30 and 3rd with 45 – AA.SC Feb 17 '16 at 12:38. Bringing Time Slots Into The Game. Things get slightly more complicated when, in addition to a date picker, you also need to provide a time-slot picker. The easiest way to achieve time selection would be by providing an extra input field as a step after the date has been selected. Given the time difference between our countries, I suggest these possible times. Thursday, 7 am New York (9 pm Tokio) Thursday, 9 pm New York (Friday, 7 am Tokio) If these are inconvenient, please suggest another time. The time of New York is also called EST or Eastern Standard Time (except that in summer they move one hour and are called EDT). A few sentences that seem reasonable 'Sure let's do it. I'll propose a few free days, and you tell me if either of them work for you.' 'Sure let's do it. I'll let you know my availability over the next few days, and you let me know when best suits you. (You can replace days with times, evenings, mornings etc to be more time specific). With fewer delivery time slots available—leaving some people waiting up to two weeks for orders—and fewer items actually available in stores, shoppers are frustrated with the grocery bounties.
A length of time allotted to someone or something, especially in a broadcasting schedule.
‘the series aired in what will be its regular Friday 10 p.m. time slot'- ‘time slots booked for a particular surgeon'
- ‘We placed the show in its June time slot to give exhibitors a chance to preview their fall lines to buyers.'
- ‘Aware of its declining status, he began searching last spring for a new venue and a new time slot for the fair, traditionally held at Navy Pier in early May.'
- ‘While excited that the critically acclaimed, yet relatively little watched show was given the prime, post-Super Bowl time slot, I actually had little faith that the increased exposure would translate into substantially more viewers.'
- ‘Now there are DVDs, and I can watch my favorite shows as often as I want, without the interference of networks that see fit to change a show's time slot on a whim.'
- ‘When we started making it we didn't even know what timeslot it was going to be on and it was a low budget show, so we kind of just made it for us and there weren't really any concessions made.'
- ‘I never felt that the material was padded just for the sake of filling a time slot.'
- ‘In its original weekday time slot, the show became an enormous cult hit.'
- ‘I guarantee everyone will keep the time slot they had at the end of last year.'
- ‘Getting solo acoustic performers ready three to five minutes before their time slot doesn't need to be a headache, even if they have limited stage experience.'
- ‘I think that having the earliest time slot of the night didn't help the band.'
Vinicius Vacanti is co-founder and CEO of Yipit. Next posts on how to acquire users for free and how to raise a Series A. Don't miss them by subscribing via email or via twitter.
As a current or aspiring entrepreneur, you should be meeting with a ton of people (potential customers, investors, biz dev partners, employees, journalists).
You will often get introduced via email or you are cold-emailing them.
You are probably excited to meet with them and correctly assume that they are busier than you. So, like the nice person you are, you want to be as flexible as possible.
And, that's when you make the mistake of saying: 'I'm pretty free the next two weeks, let me know when works for you.'
You may think you are being nice and flexible; but, you're actually frustrating them.
What you actually just said: 'Hey, why don't you spend some time going through your schedule, pick out some times that work and email them to me. I'll then sit back and pick one that I like.'
If you really want to be respectful of their time (and you should), your goal is to have them do as little work as possible to get the meeting arranged.
Eric Friedman made some good suggestions on how to most effectively set up an appointment and I'll reiterate them here with some additional tips based on my experience.
You should do this from the very first communication to reduce the back and forth.
Suggest Possible Times
Go through your calendar and suggest possible days and times that work for you. For instance, I do the following:
The following dates/times (EST) work for me:
Monday, 1/24: 11am – 12pm EST; 2pm – 3pm EST
Tuesday, 1/25: 2pm – 4pm EST
Friday, 1/28: 10am – 12pm EST; 2pm – 4pm EST
Some additional tips:
- The more time slots you suggest the better
- Make sure you specify your time zone (people will assume they are in your timezone)
- The busier the person is, the farther out your suggested time slots should be
Suggest Meeting Location or Phone Number
If it's a phone call, I always say: 'My number is 212-555-0001 but I'm happy to call you.' If you're trying to set up a meeting with several people, you should get a free conference call number and include the dial-in information.
If it's an in-person meeting, you should suggest going to their office (confirm their office address in the email) or picking two coffee shops or restaurants (if it's a breakfast or lunch meeting) that are near their office.
A Few Time Slots Jackpot
If you do all of the following, not only will the meeting get quickly arranged but, by making it less frustrating for the person you are emailing, it also increases the chances of getting the meeting set up in the first place.
Suggest A Few Time Slots
Update: Great comments over at hacker news including another reason to do this is that it suggests you respect your time. I know that sounds like a bad excuse but, unfortunately, appearances do matter.
Vinicius Vacanti is co-founder and CEO of Yipit. Next posts on how to acquire users for free and how to raise a Series A. Don't miss them by subscribing via email or via twitter.